The Project Z Development Plan

Author: Physix

About Project Z

Project Z is a round-based zombie survival game. This game does take inspiration from the old and loved franchise of Call of Duty: Zombies. However, we do not want to copy Call of Duty: Zombies blantently because we wish to avoid lawsuits with the publisher and owner Activision. We want to make the experience different and fun without all the microtransactions and DLC. We plan to continue the story throughout the year by releasing FREE DLCs so you can manage your space for the game.

Project Z Roadmap

The roadmap above shows what will happen over the coming years for Project Z. In 2024 we are currently adding Steam support to play with friends and invite and kick members if you're the host. In early 2025 we will implement the core mechanics like the zombie AI and player actions such as shooting and aiming. These will take some time to add because of server replication and all of its bugs and custom movement that is implemented. After we have everything with core mechanics setup we will work on the wave system and respawning. After this, we plan to allow users to sign up to play an early alpha build (sign-up will be required). Once we fix all the bugs from alpha testing and then add even more detail to the maps we will begin the beta testing phase (will be an open beta) and we will continue to fix the bugs that will be reported. In mid-2026, we will push out a release build of NoZ. We then plan to add player progression (this will be free) your level will display in the lobby. After that, the next game will be in development and will have a new roadmap. We plan to make the games $14.99 and as stated before DLCs will be free.